Core and Supplemental Resources
Discovery Education offers a comprehensive suite of STEM resources and professional learning to support K-12 administrators, teachers, and students. Programs like Discovery Education Experience, STEM Careers Coalition, and Science Techbook help foster hands-on, minds-in learning and provide flexible implementation across your school system—from core curriculum and electives to STEM camps and clubs.

Professional Learning for STEM
Discovery Education is dedicated to building partnerships that take students from kindergarten to careers. Embedded teacher notes, strategies, and interactive courses within our resources get educators started with STEM right away, while tailored professional learning opportunities help define the STEM vision for your school or district. We offer leaders and teachers expert support in creating and implementing problem-driven, interdisciplinary experiences to continuously engage all learners and prepare them for the future.

Student Engagement Programs
We partner with like-minded organizations around the world to create a broad range of free classroom and family learning resources that connect students, teachers, and families to STEM education. Engaging initiatives like the Student Video Challenge and the Young Scientist Challenge are giving students across America a platform to grow and demonstrate their skills and extend them to the real world.

Discovery Education Experience
Discovery Education Experience, our dynamic K-12 learning platform, offers over 200,000 standards-aligned resources, high-quality content, and professional learning strategies to support teachers and encourage students to dive deeper into STEM. Anytime, anywhere accessibility and curated collections of STEM-themed content—such as Outrageous Acts of Science, STEM Careers, Street Science, and Girls Get STEM—make learning both relevant and exciting while helping educators engage all students in STEM, in and out of the classroom.