Action-Packed Real-World Storylines
Relevant unit storylines offer intentional sequencing of activities to help students take ownership of their learning.
Students engage in action-packed journeys to make sense of phenomena in a way that aligns with their natural curiosities. Each unit storyline follows a 3D learning framework, launching with real-world anchor phenomena to hook students in and inspire them to ask important questions as they investigate and collaborate to explain, make predictions, and solve problems.

Attention-Grabbing Adventures
Phenomena-based, research-backed science curriculum cultivates three-dimensional learning experiences.
To engage students in three-dimensional learning, the instructional units in Discovery Education Science Techbook are designed to support student sense-making and are anchored in phenomena that strategically integrate the DCIs, CCCs, and SEPs.

Students as Lead Investigators
Active investigation of phenomena prompts students to ask questions, build models and develop explanations to generate evidence of sensemaking.
Science Techbook offers students immersive, interactive, and creative ways to explore including hand-on engineering activities and labs, virtual investigations, and STEM connections.

Navigate 3D Instruction
Lesson planning, differentiation, progress monitoring, and professional growth opportunities provide teachers with time-saving support.
Science Techbook supports teachers as they guide their students through 3D learning with strategies and tools embedded at point of use and in the Experience platform.

Exciting Content that Inspires Curiosity
Exclusive, original, and highly engaging content makes science exciting and relevant for all students.
The phenomena and content used in Science Techbook is provided through our dynamic K-12 learning platform, Experience. Vetted by curriculum experts and differentiated by grade level, it mirrors the interests of students and helps them make relevant, lasting connections between science, the classroom, and their everyday lives.