Discovery Education Science for West Virginia
K-12 Instructional Resources Adoption 2022
Welcome to Discovery Education
Discovery Education is honored to present Science Techbook for West Virginia as part of the 2022 Instructional Resources Adoption. To enhance the review experience, we offer core instructional materials for science in grades K-12 delivered in our dynamic learning platform. All resources are aligned to the West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science and are accessed directly from our Discovery Education login.
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Science Techbook
Start Your Exploration
Discovery Education Science Techbook for West Virginia connects students to their inner curiosity by placing them at the center of each three-dimensional learning experience as they lead exhilarating investigations to uncover the mysteries of the universe. Hands-on and virtual investigations, STEM activities, and a variety of teacher supports bring the excitement of science to life, in person or at a distance.
Discovery Education Techbooks are fully aligned to WV standards
Program Components
Point-of-Use Teacher Support
Teacher guides are available to provide lesson overviews, standards connections, and differentiation activities to inform instructional planning and guide three-dimensional learning. Teachers can find flexible pacing options, embedded teacher notes, and Pathways for Learning to address diverse learners at various levels.
Professional Learning
Discovery Education Professional Learning provides foundational support with every package, including professional learning days free of charge, which can be delivered as needed throughout the duration of the adoption cycle.
Hands-On Science Kits
With over 1000 hands-on labs, our Hands-On Science Kits are easy to use and equip students and teachers with the materials they need to conduct student-centered, real-world scientific investigations.
Discovery Education Learning Platform
Science Techbook is built upon our dynamic learning platform. Here you will find compelling collections of science-themed content, a wide variety of teacher tools, and classroom resources. Ready-to-use lessons, collaboration tools, and professional learning resources help educators engage all students, in and out of the classroom.

Elementary Science
Science Techbook for West Virginia is a phenomena-driven elementary K-5 science curriculum that places students at the center of each three-dimensional learning experience as they lead investigations that uncover the mysteries of the universe. Engaging content, hands-on and virtual STEM activities bring the excitement of science to life.
*Hands-On Science Kits are available upon request.
Quick Start Guide
Log in and explore Science Techbook for elementary grades K‑5.
Overview Brochure
Learn more about Discovery Education Science Techbook for elementary grades K‑5.
Hands-On Kit Materials
List of materials that are available for purchase in pre-packaged kits, organized by grade-level.

Middle School Science
With Science Techbook for West Virginia, middle school students will engage in an action-packed journey to make sense of phenomena in a way that aligns with their natural curiosities. Consisting of 16 modular units, schools and teachers may choose the order in which to complete units based on their preferred pathway: integrated or domain specific. Two suggested pathways are provided, based on research behind A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science.
Quick Start Guide
Log in and explore Science Techbook for middle school.
Overview Brochure
Learn more about Discovery Education Science Techbook for middle school.
Hands-On Kit Materials
List of materials that are available for purchase in pre-packaged kits, organized by grade-level.

High School Science
Science Techbook for West Virginia is a research-backed 4-course digital high school curriculum built on the 5E learning model. Courses are available in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth and Space Science.
Quick Start Guide
Log in and explore Science Techbook for high school.
Overview Flyer
Learn more about Discovery Education Science Techbook for high school.

Educator Support
Support Educators Every Step of the Way
Discovery Education Professional Learning recognizes the unique opportunities of shifting to new state standards and can provide tailored professional learning to help navigate these changes. Professional Learning is a part of the state adoption, which can be delivered as needed throughout the duration of the adoption cycle.
Access and Equity for All Students
Discovery Education has been built to support the unique needs of every learner with interactive resources and multimedia, Spanish/English options, adjustable reading levels and read aloud tools.
Discovery Educator Network (DEN)
In the DEN community, one of the most thriving professional learning networks in the world, educators can ask questions, share ideas, collaborate, and participate in valuable events and experiences.
Professional Supports Channel
Educators can access resources to get started with Discovery Education, explore and grow their practice through relevant in-person, virtual and on-demand professional development opportunities, as well as embedded instructional planning resources, all at their convenience and comfort level.