9 Core Components of Quality NGSS Classrooms
Within science education, there is a consensus that science literacy for all is the goal for K-12 education in science.
Students must graduate from high school with a deep and clear understanding of foundational topics in science. It is also important for graduates to understand how to think like scientists and engineers, how to approach their work and learn what kinds of questions they can and cannot help society answer.
Successfully putting that concept into practice has taken decades, manifesting in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), a multi-state effort to describe a vision for the next generation of science instruction. Under these standards, students should actively learn science by participating in learning experiences that require them to use the science and engineering practices and apply the crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas within the disciplines of science.
The creators of Discovery Education’s Science Techbook⢠had the same concept in mind. Read on to learn 9 criteria for quality science instructional materials and how Science Techbook⢠supports each one, delivering exemplary, research-based science instruction that brings NGSS to life for K-12 students.