How Schools are Bridging the Coding Gender Gap
Engineering and computer science classes have long been the domain of boys. While girls and boys are now equally represented in advanced science and math classes, girls still are not flocking to classes like Java programming or mobile app development — courses that are becoming cornerstones of STEM education.
With the growing need for computer scientists in the workforce, school leaders are trying to convince girls that these classes aren’t just boys’ clubs. Everyone has an equal chance to find success. But it takes strong leadership to overcome the obstacles. Researchers have reported ways to encourage girls to try computer science. At the same time, superintendents have found successful methods of their own to conquer the gender gap in their schools.DR. KRISTINE GILMORE
Superintendent, D.C. Everest Schools, Wisconsin

I don’t want to just destigmatize computer science for girls. I want to destigmatize STEAM for all kids. As a superintendent, my job is to remove barriers for kids
This is only an excerpt. In the full article, you’ll learn:
- How 3 district leaders cultivated thriving STEM communities
- What researchers say about how this coding gender gap has been reinforced, and how it can be breached
- How Discovery Education has helped districts reach girls to provide role models for STEM teaching
- How coding doesn’t have to stop with games — it can be woven into the humanities