NBA All-Star Virtual Field Trip 2020
During this 30-minute program, your students will go behind the scenes to meet these NBA storytellers, learn about their careers, and explore how they use creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication to capture the game like never before.

Careers that Count: A Virtual Field Trip with the NBA
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The Game Plan
Join host Miles Brown (star of ABC’s Black-ish) inside the NBA’s headquarters in New York City for conversations with some NBA team members who are using math every day.
Travel with Miles to the Madison Square Boys and Girls Club in Brooklyn, NY, where Brooklyn Nets forward Rondae Hollis-Jefferson will show Miles how he uses math to make quick, game-time decisions. Rondae will flash some skills on the court in a timed shooting drill, where your students will have the chance to use a basic math equation to calculate points per shot.
From there, go join Miles at Madison Square Garden, where he chats with several NBA players and meets with the Knick’s Basketball Database Analyst, Zain Jafri.
In this action-packed 30-minute virtual field trip, your students will learn about how NBA staff use problems worth solving every day to improve the game of basketball.
Key Players
Host: Miles Brown
Actor, ABC’s Black-ish
Jr. NBA Advisory Council Member
Kiki VanDeWeghe
Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations,
National Basketball Association
Rondae Hollis-Jefferson
Small Forward / Shooting Guard,
Brooklyn Nets
Doris Daif
Senior Vice President of Customer Data Strategy,
National Basketball Association
Hao Meng
Director of Basketball Strategy,
National Basketball Association
Zain Jafri
Database Analyst,
New York Knicks
Student Outcomes
During this 30-minute program, students will:
- Learn about exciting, real-world math careers specifically within the National Basketball Association.
- Hear from NBA professionals about how they put their math skills to work every day.
- Learn how to calculate points per shot based on an on-court demonstration.

Did you know…
Wilt Chamberlain set the single-game scoring record in the National Basketball Association by scoring 100 points for the Philadelphia Warriors in a 169-147 win over the New York Knicks on March 2, 1962, at Hershey Sports Arena in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Discovery Education Math Techbook™
Math Techbook is a breakthrough digital textbook for Grades 6-8 that engages students with real-world problems worth solving. Using a balanced approach to instruction, Math Techbook facilitates in-depth understanding of all three pillars of rigor: conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application.
And now, Math Techbook comes with built-in NBA math problems. Learn more about our partnership with the NBA, and even demo a few of the problems!
Get Involved on the Court with the Jr. NBA

From the classroom to the court, the NBA is committed to providing educational and fun opportunities for youth to engage with the game of basketball. The Jr. NBA is the NBA’s youth basketball participation program for boys and girls ages 6-14, which helps grow and improve the youth basketball experience for all. The Jr. NBA teaches the fundamental skills as well as the core values of the game, including teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship—values that are critical on the court and in the classroom. Schools can register for the Jr. NBA program at no cost, and participating schools will receive a variety of benefits, including a Jr. NBA Welcome Kit.

The NBA identifications are the intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. (c)2017 NBA Properties, Inc.