Potter-Burns Elementary Celebrates $10,000 Prize from the Jackson Charitable Foundation with Engaging, Virtual Financial Literacy Event

Silver Spring, Md. (Thursday, December 3, 2020) – Potter-Burns Elementary School in Pawtucket, RI today gathered students, educators, and families for a special virtual event focused on improving students’ financial literacy. The event celebrated the local school’s $10,000 prize package from the 4th annual Cha-ChingTM Money Smart Kids Pledge Contest offered by Jackson Charitable Foundation. Attended by approximately 450 students and members of the Potter Burns community, the event featured remarks by school leaders and students about the importance of financial literacy for student success, as well as an engaging activity and presentations by Jackson Charitable Foundation and Discovery Education.
The Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids Contest presents K-6 schools in the United States the opportunity to receive a $10,000 grant from Jackson Charitable Foundation to spark financial literacy education at their school, along with $1,000 designated for a philanthropic donation of the school’s choosing. Jackson Charitable Foundation is a nonprofit with the mission to advance financial knowledge on a national scale. Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources and professional learning for K-12 classrooms.
Potter-Burns Elementary School is using the Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids Contest grant and donation money as follows:
- $10,000 grant: The school is purchasing laptops for students to engage with a bilingual (English/Spanish) virtual bank application that helps develop skills in budgeting and saving, set financial goals, and practice accounting.
- $1,000 donation: The students selected Pawtucket Backpackers, an organization reducing hunger among Pawtucket schoolchildren by providing supplemental food during weekends and school vacations, as the recipient of the charitable funds to underscore the importance of philanthropy.
Additionally, each student received a fun care package from the Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids program filled with helpful resources—like a piggy bank and school supplies—to support their continued growth in financial literacy and all other subjects.
“I am so proud to connect the students, educators, and families of Potter-Burns Elementary through an engaging virtual event focused on financial literacy. The 2020 Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids Contest empowers our school with the resources needed to educate students and help close the equity gap,” said Dr. Mark Andrade, Principal of Potter-Burns Elementary School. “Winning the Contest exemplifies the power of community collaboration in coming together virtually to support Potter-Burns Elementary School and all its students in their pursuit of a secure financial future.”
The Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids Contest supplements the Jackson Charitable Foundation’s educational partnership with Discovery Education, which provides no cost digital resources for use in the remote or in person classroom. Designed for educators and families to grow financial skills in K-6 students with fun and engaging videos, lessons, and activities, Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids offers millions of students the knowledge, tools, and practice they need to make informed decisions to reach their goals and dreams.
Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids resources and information are available at Cha-ChingUSA.org and through Discovery Education Experience’s Corporate Education Partnerships channel and the Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids channel.
For more information about Discovery Education’s digital resources and professional learning services, visit www.discoveryeducation.com, and stay connected with Discovery Education on social media through Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Potter-Burns Elementary School
It is the mission of the Potter-Burns Learning Community to enable our students to become well-educated members of society. We, the faculty and staff, with the cooperation and support of parents and the community, will hold all our students accountable to reach high standards of academic performance and citizenship. Through high quality, effective instruction, students will learn to work cooperatively with others, become creative problem-solvers and responsible, life-long learners.
About Jackson Charitable Foundation
Jackson Charitable Foundation’s vision is for all Americans to have the strong personal finance skills that allow people to live fuller, more self-directed lives. The 501(c)(3) private operating Foundation, is the charitable-giving arm of Jackson National Life Insurance Company. The Foundation works with Jackson associates and world-class partners to provide economic opportunities that build strong communities. Follow the Jackson Charitable Foundation at jacksoncharitablefoundation.org, on Facebook at @JacksonCharitableFoundation and on Twitter at @JacksonFdn.
About Discovery Education
Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms. Through its award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and the largest professional learning network of its kind, Discovery Education is transforming teaching and learning, creating immersive STEM experiences, and improving academic achievement around the globe. Discovery Education currently serves approximately 4.5 million educators and 45 million students worldwide, and its resources are accessed in over 140 countries and territories. Inspired by the global media company Discovery, Inc., Discovery Education partners with districts, states, and like-minded organizations to empower teachers with customized solutions that support the success of all learners. Explore the future of education at www.discoveryeducation.com.
Danielle Robinson | Jackson Charitable Foundation | Danielle.Robinson@jackson.com
Grace Maliska | Discovery Education | gmaliska@discoveryed.com