Top 10 Finalists Announced by Toyota and Discovery Education in the 2020 TeenDrive365 Video Challenge

Public Voting Now Open through April 22 to Select the “People’s Choice” Student Winner
Silver Spring, Md. (Thursday, April 9, 2020) – Nearly 1,000 teens produced their own public service announcement on safe driving as part of the Toyota and Discovery Education TeenDrive365 Video Challenge. With the Top 10 finalists identified by a panel of judges, communities across the country now have the opportunity to vote for their favorite at now until April 22, 2020.
Since 2011, the Toyota TeenDrive365 Video Challenge has awarded over a quarter million dollars in total to high school students across the United States to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. The student-created PSAs are published nationally by Toyota, effectively sharing the importance of safe driving to teens and families.
The 2020 finalists feature students from Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. The TeenDrive365 Video Challenge prizes include:
– Grand Prize:$15,000 and the chance to work with a Discovery Education film crew to reshoot the winning video as a TV-ready PSA
– Second place prize:$10,000
– Third place prize:$7,500
– Fourth to tenth place prizes:$2,500 each
– NEW! State Merit prizes: Exclusive pack of swag from TeenDrive365
– People’s Choice prize:$5,000
“The TeenDrive365 Video Challenge amplifies the power of teen voices to educate their peers across the country about the importance of driver safety,” said Lori McFarling, President of Corporate Education Partnerships at Discovery Education. “We’re proud to support Toyota’s leadership in empowering teenagers as they take their seats behind the wheel. This year’s submissions are powerful and we’re excited to share them with young people and their families as we move into the next phase of the Challenge.”
The TeenDrive365 Video Challenge supplements TeenDrive365, a digital program produced in partnership between Toyota and Discovery Education, offering no-cost learning resources empowering educators, families, and teens with life-saving habits. The Toyota TeenDrive365 resources are available at and through Discovery Education Experience.
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Discovery Education is offering schools and school systems not currently using the company’s digital services free access to Discovery Education Experience. Schools accepting this offer will have access to Discovery Education’s dynamic K-12 learning platform and its ready-to-use digital lesson plans, activities, and standards-aligned resources through the remainder of the school year. In addition, Discovery Education is offering a suite of no cost resources for parents and caregivers called Daily DEthat can be used at home. For more information, visit Discovery Education’s comprehensive Virtual Learning resource center dedicated to helping educators adapt their instruction to meet today’s needs.
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About TeenDrive365
TeenDrive365 is a comprehensive program designed by Toyota and Discovery Education to help teens avoid distractions and stay safe behind the wheel. The initiative offers a range of content, tools and resources designed specifically for educators and teens. The program aims to help guide teens through those critical first years behind the wheel, as well as a develop a lifetime of safe driving habits.
About Discovery Education
Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms. Through its award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and the largest professional learning network of its kind, Discovery Education is transforming teaching and learning, creating immersive STEM experiences, and improving academic achievement around the globe. Discovery Education currently serves approximately 4.5 million educators and 45 million students worldwide, and its resources are accessed in over 140 countries and territories. Inspired by the global media company Discovery, Inc., Discovery Education partners with districts, states, and like-minded organizations to empower teachers with customized solutions that support the success of all learners. Explore the future of education at
Matt Sheldon, Toyota Motor North America,
Grace Maliska, Discovery Education,