Georgia’s Cobb County School District Launches Virtual Professional Learning Initiative Supported by Discovery Education

Face-to-Face Professional Learning Initiative Moved Online to Support Continued Professional Development During COVID-19 Pandemic
Silver Spring, Md. (Wednesday April 22, 2020) Georgia’s Cobb County School District (CCSD) has launched a new, virtual professional learning initiative to help district educators make grade level content comprehensible and engaging for their English Learner (EL) students. To continue CCSD’s tradition of academic creativity and innovation, the district again selected Discovery Education for this endeavor. Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms.
The ESOL Leadership Team in CCSD’s Academic Division is working in close collaboration with Discovery Education to provide educators a new model of professional learning that will improve educational outcomes for English learners. To foster close collaboration between ESOL and content experts, this innovative research-based model brings ESOL Lead Teachers, district ESOL consultants, and classroom teachers together for job-embedded core learning and instructional support sessions. Originally intended to be delivered by Discovery Education’s professional learning staff in person, Discovery Education’s team is now, due the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting this professional learning initiative in a virtual environment.
Following these sessions, participants will work in teams at their local schools to combine Discovery Education’s powerful digital resources and strategies, the insight of classroom teachers, and the expertise of the district and local school ESOL experts to engage students in developing their language skills as they learn the content. The curated resources and embedded additional research-based strategies from this initiative empower educators to initiate and sustain long-term shifts in instructional practice supporting English Learners.
The second largest school system in Georgia, the Cobb County School District serves nearly 113,000 students, including over 16,000 English Learners, across 112 schools, including 67 elementary schools, 25 middle schools, 17 high schools, one charter school, one special education center, and one adult education center. For 20 years, CCSD educators districtwide have used Discovery Education Experience—which is provided to all teachers and students across the state through Georgia Public Broadcasting—to support the creation of student-centric digital learning environments. In 2019, CCSD partnered with Discovery Education to launch a comprehensive STEM professional learning initiative. This program, called Teaching Relevance and Innovative Learning, is helping district educators cultivate future problem solvers through problem-based learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
“Providing our educators robust professional learning that helps them evolve their classroom practice has always been a critical part of the Cobb County School District’s effort to support the growth and development of all students,” said Jennifer Lawson, Cobb County School District’s Chief Academic Officer. “We are excited to build on our existing relationship with Discovery Education, and even more pleased this initiative can be undertaken virtually.”
The continuation of CCSD’s partnership with Discovery Education ensures district teachers ongoing access to the Discovery Education Community. A global community of education professionals, the Discovery Education Community connects members across school systems and around the world through social media, virtual conferences, and in-person events, fostering valuable networking, idea sharing, and inspiration.
“Discovery Education is excited to expand its partnership with the Cobb County School District,” said Molly Hebert, Discovery Education’s Senior Director of Urban Partnerships. “While COVID-19 has thrown significant challenges at educators across the country, we are excited to continue providing our partners the professional learning their teachers need to prepare for the education beyond this crisis.”
To learn more about the Cobb County School District, visit:
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Discovery Education is offering schools and school systems not currently using the company’s digital services free access to Discovery Education Experience. Schools accepting this offer will have access to Discovery Education’s dynamic K-12 learning platform and its ready-to-use digital lesson plans, activities, and standards-aligned resources through the remainder of the school year. In addition, Discovery Education is offering a suite of no-cost resources for parents and caregivers called Daily DE that can be used at home. For more information, visit Discovery Education’s comprehensive Virtual Learning resource website dedicated to helping educators adapt their instruction to meet today’s needs.
For more information about Discovery Education’s digital resources and professional learning services, visit, and stay connected with Discovery Education on social media through Facebook, follow us on Twitter at @DiscoveryEd, or find us on Instagram and Pinterest.
About Discovery Education
Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms. Through its award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and the largest professional learning network of its kind, Discovery Education is transforming teaching and learning, creating immersive STEM experiences, and improving academic achievement around the globe. Discovery Education currently serves approximately 4.5 million educators and 45 million students worldwide, and its resources are accessed in over 140 countries and territories. Inspired by the global media company Discovery, Inc., Discovery Education partners with districts, states, and like-minded organizations to empower teachers with customized solutions that support the success of all learners. Explore the future of education at
Discovery Education
Stephen Wakefield
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